以下是引用yyyzzz在2003-12-11 15:06:00的发言: 有没有大哥或同僚了解University of california--Irvine的面试? 我接到电话面试的通知。这是第一个收到的面试,不想搞砸了,但又不知从何开始准备? 请大家给点意见!!感激不尽!! 另外,那个面试的人的资料好象在学校网页里找不到。怎么办? 不知己知彼怎能百战百胜呢?
about the interviewer, if you really want to get some background information about this person, you can try to ask them directly. at least, they will tell you:
1, this person is a faculty, a staff or a student.
2, how important this person is, making the final decision or presenting some opinion.
3, what kind of language you can use, some professional term or normal discussion words.
I did that before, they will tell you a little bit. |