我是在法国读工程类的,同时读工程师和硕士,ecole des mines,但不是巴黎那个,我想申请欧洲的经济和金融类phd,不知道有没有可能性,很郁闷,因为工程师学校要求托福或者托业才能拿学位,我考了一下,托业是930,还挺高的,我觉得如果在考个GMAT或tagemage(法国)的话,还可以申请高商的phd,但我不知道有没有先例,工科硕士申请到经济金融的phd的,尤其在欧洲。
a bit diffcult, i would say. traditional european schools like students with master level background in economics and finance. (us schools might prefer mathematician/statistician/engineering student over economist.) i guess there is no doubt you had a lot math courses, which are typical for engineering students. however, do you have any credits on economics and finance? if not, ask yourself below questions before you start to apply.
1) why economics/finance, given your engineering background? 2) what is your advantage when compared to applicants with a master in economics/finance? (modeling dynamic system? solving PDEs? stochastic calculus? computational methods? you must be acquainted with at least one or two computer language(s), right? the popular ones in economics and finance are matlab/octave, mathematica, gauss, r/splus, c/c++, fotran, java, among others. ) 3) do you want to have a scholarship? if not, it would not be that difficult to be accepted. as you are probably in france, you know how low the tuition is for schools in france, gemany, austria, switzerland, netherland, belgium, etc (but not England). if you need a scholarship to finance your study and life, you have to manange to answer question 1) and 2) nicely to convince people that you are better candidates than others.
well, then you can try economics, for sure. if you are interested in financial economics, then you might want to take a look at asset pricing literature, in which you can find a lot dynamic programming (bellman optimality, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, general equilibrium, etc.) my suggestion: go to the econ/fin department of your school, tell the people there your background and ask them for advise, as well.
我觉得很多人误解了欧洲的学费问题,比如英国和瑞士,伦敦政经4万多英镑,瑞士IMD5万多欧元,这个要看学校的体制,还有一个,有的国家给博士的签证想当于工作visa,所以没收入的话很难过警察局那关。 don't get me wrong. first of all, i explicitly move english schools out of the total set of european schools. btw, to my knowledge, the above two you mentioned are for mba and/or prefessional masters, but not phd, aren't they?