85. Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one when it is not. (A) a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one (B) when a condition is present and indicate that there is one (C) a condition when it is present and indicate that it is present (D) when a condition is present and indicate its presence (E) the presence of a condition when it is there and indicate its presence 首先 这句话的意思我没有弄明白 希望NN们指点一下 其次 and前后应该是对称的 那么 这个对称应该只是 从句+and+从句 还是要求两个从句的结构也必须对称呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-17 12:09:32编辑过] |