The Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and women still experience some of the effects of a divorce occuring when a child. A. occuring when a child B. occuring when children C. that occurred when a child D. that occurred when they were children E. that has occurred as each was a child The answer is D. Explanation in OG: The original sentence has two problems.1. The phrasing implies that the young men and women had divorced in childhood. 2. The word child does not agree with the antecedent men and women. 请教大家:选项B和选项D比较,解释1中的The phrasing是指occuring与that occurred的不同?还是指的when children和when they were children的不同?为什么这种不同会造成两种理解。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-22 16:36:00编辑过] |