32. “You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements.” Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading. 正文:
As advertisement become almost a crucial part of our daily life, we can see them almost everywhere: on TV, on the bus, or even on the poles beside the roads. As a result, many people contend that we can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements. However, as far as I am concerned, I do not agree with this idea. In my opinion, what advertisements mean is really a complex issue to consider about.
Admittedly, some advertisements, such as ones about protecting environment, the ones about donating blood or money to the rural places, and he ones about helping the poor. All of those are not commercial, they represent the social moral about the nation and what the nation is recently engaged in. For example, I remember since China found out that the number of people who are addicted to drugs is increasing at a rapid speed, the government put out an advertisement to educate people about bad effect of drugs. other example such as the one that call people to donate blood as hospitals in China are lacking of blood fro the injuries and the one to educate people about AIDS and to care about those who have it. Those advertisements are put on show because China now have those problems and because the government is caring about those issues.
However, apart from the kinds of advertisements listed above, a large majority of advertisements are about commercial, their main purpose is to attract consumers, consequently, they are put out in away that is most attractive to us, not transmit the idea of the nation. Especially when you watch them, you will find that most of them are the same, a beautiful model or a famous movie star is one of the essential factor in the commercial advertisement, it is even more important than what the advertisement is about. So, some advertisement dose not make any sense.Furthermore, since it is highly internationalization, many companies in China may ask a foreign designer to make a advertisement. How can a foreigner who knows little about Chinese make out something that shows what China think about?
In conclusion, whether we can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisements is a complex problem, we should be able to tell what is commercial advertisement and what is not in the first place. We can only know what the nation’s moral standards are and what the nation is busying with lately from the advertisements that are not commercial. But the most important is we should know what the advertisement is talking about finally.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-9 20:15:48编辑过] |