1. The caterpillar of the geometrid moth strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, after capturing its prey, holds the victim so that it cannot escape.
(A) strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,
(B) striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed, but
(C) which strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,
(D) which, striking when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed,(E)C头重脚轻
(E) strikes when special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed and,
1, 除了头重脚轻,C有什末不好?
2, so that it ..., logically, 'it' should refer to 'victim', but is there ambiguity?
OG 171; King sought to have his marrage to Queen annulled so that he could marry to Anne.
Is there any criterion we can use to judge what a pron. refers to ?