43. In the minds of many people living in England, before Australia was Australia, it was the antipodes, the opposite pole to civilization, an obscure and unimaginable place that was considered the end of the world. (A) before Australia was Australia, it was the antipodes (B) before there was Australia, it was the antipodes (C) it was the antipodes that was Australia (D) Australia was what was the antipodes (E) Australia was what had been known as the antipodes 答案是A没什么问题,但是我注意到划线部分是连逗号一起划的,但是,5个选项中没有一个在末尾有逗号。我觉得这个逗号应该不能缺少的,不知道大家怎么看?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-22 16:56:17编辑过] |