82. Appearing to be the only candidate whose views would be acceptable to its membership, the Youth Canorous finally endorsed Gorge for city council. A) Appearing to be B) Seeming to be C) Because he appeared to be D) Because he seemed E) Being A: 分词不如连词能表达出因果的含义 B: 同上 C: correct D: seem to be, E: 分词意思错
这题一拿到手,30s之内很干净利落的把5个选项都排除了,然后就傻眼了........... 后来没办法,先把肯定错的ABE给排除了,然后C跟D里面选了相对好的C.这题终于让我知道为什么做prep笔记,错误率上升的原因了,大牛们说得对,SC是比出来的. 这题按说5个选项都有错误,因为candidate显然是Gorge而不是the Youth Canorous.ABE试图修饰Gorge但语法上修饰了the Youth Canorous.C,D里面的he也一样,语法上也是修饰了the Youth Canorous,引起歧义..........