好不容易搞定了(聽加速後的聲音真是痛快, 112% you can choose in the procedure.) 有需要的可參考以下方法:( I assume that everybody has image burners like Nero...(,which you can later use to create the new iso).
Download 3 tools and 2 small files I wrote(The last 2 are on ##第17樓 now.): Transcribe6.0 http://www56.pair.com/sevenths/xscribe/transcribe600.exe Macro Express http://www.macros.com/download1/macex3.exe RenameMaster http://jackass.arsware.org/rmv236.zip List.text (all the 817filenames)--> lease DO put this in C:\ (otherwise,t.mex can't find it.) t.mex (script for MacroEx to use)
1. a) Delta key (345M) --Copy all the files into a directory. (all CD material, not just wavs) b) Delta key slim(146M)--Copy all the files into a directory, and convert all those 817 *.WAV into 16bit WAV(or PCM wav).( Use http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm or Streambox ). Keep the "Windows File Manager" maximized and opened to the SOUNDS directoy.(You can monitor the progress looking at its lower-left corner--shows file number.)
updated, May 3,2004(以下步驟我新整理了參考圖 http://yongcho.myweb.hinet.net/computer/script.htm Notice that for Delta to work normally, you have to eliminate the resulting "_COPY" in the filenames.
2. Run Transcribe, open "LA1-01.WAV" (MUST be this one, unless you can modify t.mex) , set the speed to 112%, click on Tools--Copy to file, check(打勾)the processing /Speed/Pitch/Tuning, press OK, a small box Yes or No---> presss NO --> File--Save as --press Save.
3. Double-Click the "t.mex" to run Macro Express( already installed)
4. Back to Transcribe prgram, Press Ctrl+A -----Then leave the computer to do the speeding of the 817 files. (took about 50min on my Intel Celeron 790MHz) ##注意,Don't do other things on the same computer while processing. You can even turn off the monitor now, if you like. [ After it finishes (you can tell by looking at the Windows File Manager to see if there are 1636 objects (818+new 817+ a .xsc) ) (or you can see the indicator light of the hard disk is no longer quickly flashing) ,and it stops at a message box "Copy to file"-- showing something like .......\WPROB Copy.WAV --> ress Cancel. and Exit the program. Right-click MacroEx in the system tray, Yes to stop the process.
5. Delete or move away the old 817 .WAVs(those without _copy in their names). Use RenameMster (或其他"改名"程序) , Click the most upper-left yellow button to select where the *_copy.WAVs are, Click the tab "Remove" in the middle , mark "from name" , then key in the box to the right " Copy"( Copy前一定要有一空白) . Then "Rename", all the "_Copy" in the names should go now.
6. If you want it slim, don't forget to convert those WAVs back to "microsoft ADPCM 22000Hz,4bit,mono wav".
7. Delete the one .xsc , Use Nero etc. to creat the new ISO.
OK, and you should be Happy now
FAQ 1) After mounting the new iso and running Delta, it says "Can't find Deltakey CD..".
Ans.--> It's strange, because I tried today and I got the same problem as yours. This never happened before. I wonder if it's because we both have used the Delta over a time limit(30days, maybe). And it perhaps doesn't accept anything new. But if you've still got the working old iso, I have a solution for you. Use "winiso5.3" to open the old one, move away those 817 wavs, then put in the new wavs. It worked for me. Somehow, Winiso5.3 keeps sth(sector no.?) for the installed Delta to recognize. --> http://www.winiso.com/down/WINISO.EXE name:ttdown.com code:03F82DBEBCD707B8D8F4E2E7B677E75D4A9D8CB6C3ABFC05
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-3 9:38:09编辑过] |