以下是引用asupls在2006-12-17 16:24:00的发言:12. Darwin was not the first to advance a theory of evolution; his tremendous originality lay in the fact that he proposed the idea of natural selection as the means by which evolution worked. (A) lay in the fact that he proposed the idea (B) lay in the fact of his proposing the idea (C) laid in the fact of his proposing the idea (D) laid in his proposal (E) lay in his proposal
请问哪位NN能解释一下lay和laid的区别吗?谢谢拉。这道题我也是在CD上看到的,但是没写答案,请问答案应该是哪个呢? lay and lie There are three similar verbs that can be confused: lay (regular except for spelling), lie (irregular) and lie (regular). 1. lay lay is regular verb except for its spelling. its forms are: infinitive: (to) lay past: laid -ing form: laying past participle: laid Lay means 'put down carefully' or 'put down flat'. It has an object. Lay the tent down on the grass and I'll see how to put it up. I laid the papers on the table. (NOT I lay...) Note the expressions lay a table (=put plates, knives etc on a table) and lay an egg (a bird's way of having a baby). 2. lie (irregular) the forms of the irregular verb lie are: infinitive; (to) lie past: lay -ing form: lying past participle: lain (used mostly in a formal/literary style) Lie (irregular) means 'be down', 'be/become horizontal'. It has no object. Don't lie in bed al day. Get up and do somework. (NOT Don't lay...) I lay down and closed my eyes. (NOT I laid down...) 3. lie (regular) The regular verb lie (lied) means 'say things that are not true'. You lied to me when you said you loved me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E is the best in your sentence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HTH (Hope That Helps!)
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