62. Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earth’s crust, changing the measured strain across a fault zone, and varying the electrical properties of underground rocks.
(A) changing the measured strain across a fault zone and varying
(B) changing measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and varying
(C) changing the strain as measured across a fault zone, and variations of
(D) changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in(D)
(E) changes in measurements of the strain across a fault zone, and variations among
D, the best choice, describes the warning signs in parallel phrases. Despite surface appearances, the nouns changes and variations are parallel with tilting, but the verbal forms changing and varying in A, B, and C are not: tilting, one of the deformations of the Earth’s crust, is used here as a noun that is parallel to fluctuations, whereas changing and varying are used as verbs indicating some action undertaken. Moreover, these verbs are used incorrectly because the sentence mentions no subject that is performing these actions.
请问:本句中为什么不能认为划线前是一个AND链接的三项名词并列结构(因为看到AND这个并列标志,又看到后面的OTHER,就以为是完整的并列结构),而划线部分是分词形式作表结果的伴随状语,OG的解释说因为两个分词的动词没有动作发出者,为什么不能认为是a major earthquake 发出的?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-4 19:38:24编辑过] |