偶的朋友告诉偶一个MIT商学院的中国哥们为了学物流供应链转到Ohio State University的商学院去了。简直匪夷所思。要不是偶的这个朋友一向是老实人,而且自己就认识这哥们,偶真觉得这是天方夜谭。即使现在偶仍然是半信半疑(不是不相信偶的朋友,而是怕另有隐情)。MIT的朋友告诉偶这是不是真的。为什么会有人做这样的决定呢?
Business Specialties: Supply Chain/Logistics (New! Ranked in 2003*) 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) 2. Michigan State University (Broad) 3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
Actually, those schools strong at SCM area have the different emphasis. MIT seems to be the strongest in the Operation Management and Quantitive Analysis while MSU is strong in the business concepts of integrated supply chain. PSU and ASU also have reputation in the SCM area. In my minds, OSU has the strongest finance program in the public schools.
first thing first, I don't think many supply chain or logistic companies will go to MIT to recruite. they don't expect to get many resumes, why embrassing themselves? So for people who are really interested in supply chain and logistcs, don't go to top 10 schools, you will be disappointed. top 10 schools are mostly for people who want to get into other areas.
second, regarding to that stanford student comment, come one, only chinese in mainland think graduate school is a must. if you stay in US for long time, you know you don't have to get master or PHD to succeed. on the other hand, he can always go back to Stanford for his MBA, since Stanford has a policy to recruite in its own undergraduate