以下是引用ballpark在2003-11-8 3:52:00的发言: 319. From 1982 to 1987 sales of new small boats increased between five and ten percent annually. (A) From 1982 to 1987 sales of new small boats increased between five and ten percent annually. (B) Five to ten percent is the annual increase in sales of new small boats in the years 1982 to 1987. (C) Sales of new small boats have increased annually five and ten percent in the years 1982 to 1987. (D) Annually an increase of five to ten percent has occurred between 1982 and 1987 in the sales of new small boats. (E) Occurring from 1982 to 1987 was an annual increase of five and ten percent in the sales of new small boats 如果是a,between 5 and 10% 那么不是说增长就是在5和10两个数字之间选择,应该用from...to...才可以吧,所以我选b
between 5 and 10% 就是说5%或者10% from 5%to 10% 包括5%。 6%,7%。。。10%不等