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发表于 2007-2-28 17:50:00 | 只看该作者





发表于 2007-3-1 15:08:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-3-3 01:00:00 | 只看该作者

Mauritius was a British colony for almost 200 years, excepting for the domains of administration and teaching, the English language was never really spoken on the island.

excepting for
except in
but except in
but excepting for
with the exception of

C the best

Whereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more established industries, in the Internet industry they are blurred and indistinct, as companies that compete one day may be partners the next.

Whereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more established industries, in the Internet industry they are blurred and indistinct, as companies that compete
Although the lines of competition are clearly defined in industries that are more established, they are blurred and indistinct in the Internet industry, as competing companies
The lines of competition are clearly defined in the more established industries, unlike the Internet where they are blurred and indistinct, as companies that compete
Unlike more established industries, where the lines of competition are clearly defined, they are burred and indistinct in the Internet industry, as companies that compete
Unlike more established industries, with clearly defined lines of competition, those of the Internet industry are blurred and indistinct, as competing companies

A the best  more established industries因为前面有了the而变得没有歧异了。
B 主要是one day这里变成修饰名词companies错误;
C D E unlike,前后不对等;

Because fish look through water, their eyes are very different from a mammal.

from a mammal
from a mammal’s
from that of a mammal
than that of a mammal
than is a mammal’s

B the best

Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.

Over the course of the eighteenth century, the average output of ironwork tripled as a result of several improvements in blowing machinery and because coal replaced charcoal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore.
Over the course of the eighteenth century a tripling in the average output of ironwork was due to the replacement of charcoal by coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, in addition to several improvements in blowing machinery.
With charcoal’s being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.
The replacement of charcoal with coal for the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore and several improvements in blowing machinery, the average output of ironwork tripled over the eighteenth century.
Charcoal being replaced by coal as the fuel used in the smelting of iron ore, and several improvements in blowing machinery, which tripled the average output of ironwork over the course of the eighteenth century.

A the best
B tripling
C being
D 名词+句子的形式,而且名词不是同位语,句子结构错。
E being

Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, was completed a decade later, during the reign of Titus, who opened the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.

which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian,
officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater and begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian it
officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, which was begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and

A 最后少了and
B begun前面少了and
C the best
D 多了个it
E 最后多了个and

Medicare, the United States government’s health insurance program for the elderly and disabled, covers the full cost of home health care, but not with other nonhospital services where 20 percent of the costs must be paid by beneficiaries.

but not with other nonhospital services where 20 percent of the costs must be paid by beneficiaries
but not of other nonhospital services, making beneficiaries pay 20 percent of the costs
but not of other nonhospital services, for which beneficiaries must pay 20 percent of the costs
which is unlike other nonhospital services in that 20 percent of the costs must be paid by beneficiaries
which is unlike other nonhospital services that make beneficiaries pay 20 percent of the costs

B making修饰歧异,可以做定语修饰services,也可以做整个句子的伴随状语。
C the best

Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) was unprecedented in its firsthand accounts of the indignities suffered by women and because it was eloquent and passionate in exposing and criticizing these indignities.

and because it was eloquent and passionate in exposing and criticizing
and in that it was eloquent and passionate when exposing and criticizing
as well as the eloquence and passion it had in exposing and criticizing
and in the eloquence and passion with which it exposed and criticized
but also its eloquent and passionate exposure and criticism of

D the best 平行

The agreement, the first to formally require industrialized countries to cut emissions of gases linked to global warming, is a formal protocol by which 38 industrialized countries must reduce emissions of these gases by 2012 or face heavy penalties.

by which
for which
under which
such that

C the best

Navigators have known for thousands of years that the ocean has variable currents, but it is only in the last half century that a reasonably clear picture has emerged of the patterns and causes of ocean currents.

a reasonably clear picture has emerged of the patterns and causes of ocean currents
a reasonably clear picture of the patterns of ocean currents and their causes have emerged
a reasonably clear picture emerged of ocean currents, their patterns and the causes of them
there have emerged a reasonably clear picture of the patterns of ocean currents and what caused them
there had emerged a reasonably clear picture of the patterns of ocean currents and their causes

A the best 理解句意

Doctors hope that one day the body’s master cells, called stem cells, can be directed to grow in organs or tissues appropriate for transplant, use them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them to gain insight into basic human biology.

transplant, use them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them
transplant, using them to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and studied
transplant, used to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and studied
a transplant, use them for testing drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and for studying
a transplant, used to test drugs and potentially toxic chemicals, and may study them

C the best

All Y chromosomes in existence today are descended from a single ancestor’s who is thought to have lived about 140,000 years ago.

a single ancestor’s who is thought to have lived
a single ancestor’s who was thought to live
a single ancestor whom it is thought had lived
the Y chromosome of a single ancestor who is thought to have lived
the Y chromosome of a single ancestor whom it was thought had lived

D the best

Contrary to financial analysts, who predicted last year that the market for home computers would dwindle, the personal computer industry continued to show strong growth in the first quarter of this year.

analysts, who predicted
analysts, whose predictions
analysts and their predictions
analysts’ predicting
analysts’ predictions

E the best,晕死了last year是状语,后面有个that,做题的时候没看到。


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