if the salary cap of the National Basketball Association were to be removed, the cost of running a championship whould increase by at least two million dollars or more. A.if the salary cap of the National Basketball Association were to be removed, the cost of running a championship whould increase by at least two million dollars or more. B were the salary cap of the National Basketball Association to be removed, the cost of running a championship whould increase by at least two million dollars. C Was the salary cap of the National Basketball Association to be removed, the cost of running a championship whould increase by at least two million dollars or more. D if the salary cap of the National Basketball Association was to be removed, the cost of running a championship whould increase by at least two million dollars. E should the salary cap of the National Basketball Association be removed, the cost of running a championship whould increase by at least two million dollars or more. 答案:B 他的解释说:因为是虚拟语气 所以用were 可是 gmat 中不是只根据主语单复数么选择谓语么? 考试遇到还是不敢这么选... 所以 求证一下 谢谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-4 22:08:52编辑过] |