Selling several hundred thousand copies in six months, the publication of "Maple Leaf Rag" in 1899 was an instant hit, helping to establish Scott Joplin as the preeminent ragtime composer.
(A) Selling several hundred thousand copies in six months, the publication of "Maple Leaf Rag" in 1899 was an instant hit, helping to establish Scott Joplin as the preeminent ragtime composer.
(B) The publication in 1899 of "Maple Leaf Rag" was an instant hit: in six months they sold several hundred thousand copies and it helped establish Scott Joplin as the preeminent ragtime composer.
(C) Helping to establish Scott Joplin as the preeminent ragtime composer was the publication of"Maple Leaf Rag" in 1899, which was an instant hit: it sold several hundred thousand copies in six months.
(D) "Maple Leaf Rag" was an instant hit: it helped establish Scott Joplin as the preeminent ragtimecomposer, published in 1899 and selling several hundred thousand copies in six months.
(E) Published in 1899, "Maple Leaf Rag" was an instant hit, selling several hundred thousand copies in six months: it helped establish Scott Joplin as the preeminent ragtime composer 答案是E,我想问的就是,这里的selling为什么不是被动呢,Maple Leaf Rag应该是被卖吧? 请大家帮忙解答
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