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发表于 2010-8-16 16:39:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored orevaluated. Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greatermotivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society. Because they believe in the importance of their work,they have personal reasons to perform well, even when no financial reward is present. Thus, if our corporation begandonating a significant portion of its profits to humanitarian causes, our employees’ motivation and productivity wouldincrease substantially and our overall profits would increase as well
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发表于 2010-9-10 19:59:04 | 只看该作者
1、无因果联系:Highly motivated workers do not necessarily perform well at work. Although less motivated , employees of for-profit corporations might be more efficient than those of not-for-profit organizition, since employees of for-profit corporations might have better skills and management of time.
2、Not only not-for-profit work but also for-profit work help to improve society. In some way, for-profit work can be regarded more important than not-for-profit work, since it creates value.
3、The author falsely depends on gratuitous assumptions that donation a great profits to humanitarian will lead to substantial increase of motivation and prductivity, and of profits. In fact, this is not the case. It's more likely that profits of corporation and motivation and productivity of employees will decrease, since , after a great portion of profits is donated, salaries of emplyees decreases.

发表于 2010-9-10 20:03:48 | 只看该作者
Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored orevaluated.
发表于 2010-9-11 15:20:07 | 只看该作者
Studies have found that employees of not-for-profit organizations and charities are often more highly motivated than employees of for-profit corporations to perform well at work when their performance is not being monitored orevaluated.
-- by 会员 jacjoaquin (2010/9/10 20:03:48)

or evaluated
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