我刚准备写HBS的essay。觉得Essay #3和#4有点捉摸不透。 (#3: Describe a situation when you questioned your values and beliefs; #4:What do you find most challenging about working with a group?)
"values and beliefs" 指什么呢? 是指ethical value吗? 我能描述类似 culture shock的经历吗?
if you look at last year's hbs essays, you will find that they change essay 3 from ethical issue to a broader topic: value. I think ethical issue is a good choice for this essay, but you can certainly explore other areas. Cultural conflict is another good topic too.
If you consider the whole package of HBS, the fourth essay leave you room to talk something about teamwork.
For example, in a group, you may meet problems like others' confliction, a low morale, or untrust from the leader. You could tell how you use your interpersonal skills or endevour to solve it.