gemj 学兄: 本人对885中Section B-14 一题答案有疑问。题如下: 14. The Western world’s love affair with chocolate is well-documented: few people have been known to have tasted it for the first time without requesting more. (A) few people have been known to have tasted it (B) few having been known to taste it (C) it has been tasted by few people (D) few people have been known to taste it (E) few people having tasted it 版主给出的答案是 D, 但本人认为 A可能更好。 证据一:本人查阅张道真语法书关于不定式完成式的用法,指不定式完成式的动作先于主句谓语动词的发生,此处适合; 证据二:刘振民语法98页关于不定式的论述,一例如下:
The fear of rabies is well founded; (few people are known to recover from th e disease after the appearance of the clinical symptoms) A. ..... B. few people are known to have recovered from disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared Key is B