We have just received your documents for application to our PhD. In order to complete your application file, we need the following: 1) GMAT 2) TOEFL We cannot accept photocopies. So, given that the offices administering these tests last at least 3 weeks to send the reports, please send us a legalized photocopy of your originals. Regarding TOEFL and the verbal score of GMAT, both are quite low. 3) Interviews: to be arranged once we receive the above items. If you are admitted, your admission will be conditioned to the receipt of the final transcript of your Bachelor studies and a legalized photocopy of your Bachelor diploma. 首先崩溃一下,托福640是不高也不至于quitelow吧? 问题:什么是legalized copy?我的GMAT一直没有原件.因为我考后不久就换机构了.正式成绩单一直都没寄给我.我应该怎么跟学校回复啊. 这个是欧洲的学校,就先不吐露校名给大家了呵呵. 被鄙视的很严重5555555 |