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[考场] 12-9 JJ

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发表于 2006-12-11 04:08:00 | 只看该作者

12-9 JJ

12-9-2006 Atlanta, GA TOEFL iBT


Writing: (have the feeling that will refute the 3 reasons when read, so it is easy to find the points when listen and finished the 200-word integrated writing in 9 minutes)

1.       The reading talks about the transition from “Cottage production”, which is a method that merchants offer materials and buy the products manufactured by families, to “factory production” in Britain. There are three reasons that caused this change. However, the lecture disagree all of these reasons.

The first reason in the reading is the technology. Because the complex machines such as stream engines do not for cottage use, they have to build factories. In fact, at the early stage of factory production, the major change is hiring more workers rather than using complex machines. The complex machines appeared much later than the factory production.

The second reason in the reading is stronger legal protection to private property induced the investigation. However, the same stronger legal protection did not cause the same change in Holland. The lecturer thinks it is not enough to cause such change.

The third reason in reading is the purpose to reduce cost. Although the factory production might reduce the transportation cost of cottage production, it may increase the overall cost due to the factories are expensive to build and the workers need supervision.

2.       TWE 185 topic: It is more important to use land for human needs such as farming, housing and industry than save land for endangered animals???


Speaking: ( a bit too stress at beginning and the first one feel bad)

1.       Describe an art such as song or painting that gives you long lasting impression.

2.       A man ‘s problem: He need visit museum in order to finish his assignment of art class. But it will close tomorrow.  He can go museum if he does not have the class. The woman gave him two options: to talk with professor of art to postpone the due date or miss the class tonight. In my opinion, the man should try the first suggestion because he has good reason to postpone it and probably the professor will allow him.

3.       The university library announced new policy that students can access the journals via internet only. According to the conversation, the man supports the new policy. He thought it will solve the space problem of the library and will be more convenient to the students because students can use the library resources at dormitory.

4.        Psychology class: Reinforcement is a method to change one’s behavior, by giving positive reward or remove negative things in order to make one perform more frequently. The lecture gives an example to support it. You must get up early to go work. You can reward yourself by delicious breakfast or change the shower time, which you feel uncomfortable, to evening.



Listening: (overall, can listen clearly)

1.       The woman plans to transfer to the state university for the summer music program. She required her transcript via email at March 26. The deadline already passed, the state university has not received it. So she went to the administration office ask for this. (Q: why did she go to administration office?) The man in the office knew her because he saw her playing piano in the concert. (Q: why the man knew her?) She asked again. The man replied he needs her signature. The woman became very angry and said nobody told her that. The man said she can find the policy in the student’s handbook and she can ask the transcript either in person or by regular mail. Come on! Who will read that! (Q: what does this mean?) The man mentioned there was a computer problem, and the only thing she can do is to explain the reason to the state university.

2.        A woman talk with her professor about assignment. Key points includes: a: they do not have group leader, everyone works hard. B: they always talk something else when discussing the assignment C: the professor suggest her to be the group leader D: they talk about the quality (duty) as a group leader……



1.  remember the first only one because I lived in Berkeley for three years

The sparrows in California have complex common songs but vary in different location. The sparrows in Berkeley have their accent different from that of Marine (50 miles north Berkeley, Background: a county connected with San Francisco by Golden Gate Bridge, also called north bay, comparing with east bay-Berkeley and South bay-the center of silicon valley, very nice place with vast primitive forest and sunny beach, too much junk information?? Sorry), the researchers study the reasons cause the difference.

A bird raised by human without listening the songs can have only simple voice.

A bird raised by human with listening the songs can learn the songs. The conclusion is bird memorize the songs at childhood so that they can sing at adulthood.

A bird raised by human listening both Berkeley and Marine songs will learn their own accent, (heredity reason, or use different sparrows??? Not quit sure).

2.  Reading 2 and 3, I have no more impression than published articles, remember the introduction part including the information about the formation of current California (such as coast range, sierra Nevada etc) geography between 230M-65M years before (so the answer of first question is NO CHANGE in millions years), then discuss the movement of plates caused it….

3.       Reading 4 and 5 seems the experimental part that is completely same as JJ of 12-8 I read after test, but I feel the detail is fish under the pressure of more predators will grow faster to reproduce more offspring, as cost they live shorter and have smaller body size.



1.       Not as tired as expected in the 4-hour test. 10 minutes break is just enough for restroom, have a cup of hot water and go out for a while for fresh air. Have a short rest when finish a section by not clicking the CONTINUE button immediately. Start test before 7:00pm and Back home at 11:30pm.

2.       Not very difficult but feel I have nothing to talk especially in the first speaking. Prepare more about independent topic of speaking, 15 seconds is not enough to think something carefully.

3.       I finished the listening 3 minutes earlier in both sections, try to listen to others’ speaking but they all have heavy Indian accent and very difficult to understand. Heard something when I write, Can try this way if you take test in china.

4.       I prepare the test with Barron’s and Delta. The real test seems easier than them.

5.       Listen the TWE185, it is helpful in both writing and speaking

6.       JJ may repeat the experimental part, at least you can know it is experimental part during test.


发表于 2006-12-11 06:34:00 | 只看该作者
Thank you for sharing
发表于 2006-12-11 14:31:00 | 只看该作者
Thanks for sharing !
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