Reporting that one of its many problems had been the recent extended sales slump in women's apparel,the seven-store retailer said it would start a three-month liquidation sale in all of its stores.
Reporting that one of its many problems had been the recent extended sales slump in women's apparel, the seven-store retailer said it would start a three-month liquidation sale in all of its stores. (A) its many problems had been the recent (B) its many problems has been the recently (C) its many problems is the recently (D) their many problems is the recent (E) their many problems had been the recent
OG's explanation said "recently" in choices B and C distorts the meaning of the sentence by illogically suggesting that what was recent was only the extension of the slump, and not the slump itself. 但是我琢磨了好半天,还是不明白到底区别在哪里, 请大家帮帮忙. Many thanks!