The current economic downturn has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consumer magazines, especially if focusing on technology.
A. has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals as well as general consumer magazines, especially if focusing B. has significantly reduced advertising income both for business journals and for general consumer magazines, especially those focusing C. significantly reduced advertising income for both business journals and for general consumer magazines, especially when focused D. reduced both business journals’ and general consumer magazines’ advertising income significantly, especially if focused E. reduced advertising income significantly for both business journals, as well as for general consumer magazines, especially those focusing 想问问-ing 跟在逗号后面的时候,应该怎么修饰的,有说可以修饰前面整句话的内容,但这里似乎又修饰journals和magazines 了,而且有时候又修饰主句主语 NN能不能帮忙详细讲一下 另外这里C是不是从句不对呢???为什么呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-23 10:40:13编辑过] |