12. The Olympic Games helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of the Greek world in that a sacred truce was proclaimed during the festival’s month. (c ) (A) world in that a sacred truce was proclaimed during the festival’s month 。 (B) world, proclaiming a sacred truce during the festival’s month proclaiming (C) world when they proclaimed a sacred truce for the festival month (D) world, for a sacred truce was proclaimed during the month of the festival (E) world by proclamation of a sacred truce that was for the month of the festival wordy. 答案C,they难道不会产生指代不明的问题吗? D有什么不对的呢?用被动避免了该问题啊 没找到讨论,请帮忙
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-2 22:31:33编辑过] |