1`.``Although MS.BLACK had previously emphasized that she could not speak for other black people,she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority people,likely most, would agree with her. A:...... B:speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that minority people,likely most,would agree C:so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority people,even most,would likely agree D:do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority peole , if not most,would agree (IF NOT MOST在这是什么意思呢?) E:do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people,and even most,would likely agree 2.The human growth hormone,made by the pituitary gland, is secreted duing sleep in higher concentration than when awake. A:............... B:when sleeping in higher concentration than waking hours C:in higher concentration during sleeping than waking D:in higher concentration during sleep than during waking hours E:in higher concentration when asleep than when awake (E为什么不对呢?) 3.If industrial pollution continues to deplete the ozone layer,the resulting increase in ultraviolet radiation will endanger human health ,causing a rise in the incidence of skin cancer and eye disease,and perhaps even threatening global ecological system. A:..... B:and may even threaten C:and even a possible threat to D:as well as possibly threatening E:as well as possible threat to (A为什么不对呢?threatening做伴随状态?) 4.Quasars are so distant that their light has taken billions of years to reach the earth;consequently,we see them as they were during the formation of the universe. A:.... B:we see them as they had seen during C:we see them as if during D:they appear to us as they did in E:they appear to us as though in 5.The suspect inthe burglar was advised of his right to remain silent, told he could not leave ,and was interrogated in a detention room. A..... Bf his right to remain silent,told he could not leave,and Cf his right to remain silent and that he could not leave and D:thatt he had a right to remain silent,could not leave,and was E:that he had a right to remain silent,that he could not leave,and was (C为什么不对呢?) 6.The US petroleum industry's cost to meet environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the preice per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade. A.... B: The US prtroleum industry's cost by the end of the decade to meet environmental regulations is esimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum. C:By the end of the decade,the US petroleum industry'cost of meeting environmental regulations is projected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum. D:To meet environmental regulations, the cost to the US pertroleum industry is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of the decade. E:It is estimated that by the end of the decade the cost to the US petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations will be ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum. (C为什么不对呢?) 7.To read of Abigail Adam's lenghy separation from her family,her difficult travels,and her constant battles with illness is to feel intensely how harsh life was even for the so-called aristocracy of Revolutionar times. A.........(of是什么意思在这?) B:reading about C:Having read about D:Once one reads about E:To have read of 8.It may someday be worthwahile to try to recover uranium from seawater,but at present this process is prohibitively expensive. A.........(why?) B:Someday,it may be worhwhile to try and recover uranium from seawater C:Trying to recover uranium out of seawater may someday be worthwhile D:To try for the recovery of uranium out of seawater may someday be worthwhile E:Recovering uranium from seawater may be worthwhile to try to do someday 9.Freedman's survey showed that people living in small towns and rural areas consider themselves no happier than do people living in big cities. A..... B:not any happier than do people living C:not any happier than do people who llive D:no happier than are people who are livintg E:not as happy as are people who live (指人happy不应该是are么?) 10.Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would consititute a wasteful use of resources,on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone. A...... Bn the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone C:solely in that duplicated facilities shoud be avoided D:while the duplication of facilities should be avoided Ef only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided (of only在这是什么意思?) 11.There has been a 30-to40 fold increase in the incidence of malaria caused by increasing mosquito resistance against pesticide. A........... B:increase in the incidence of malaria because of increasing resistance of mosquitoes to C:increasing malaria incidence because of increaseing resistance of mosquitoes to D:incidence of malaria increase caused by increasing mosquito resistance against E:incidence of malaria increase because of increased mosquito resistance to (resistance只能接to么) 12.In 1850 LM publishd her DISCOURSE ON WOMEN,arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights and for changes in the married women's property laws A............ B:arguing in a treatise for equal political and legal rights for women C:a treatise that advocates women's equal politial and legal rights D:a treatise advocating women's equal political and legal rights E:a treatise that argued for equal political and legal rights for women 13.More than fifty years after the Second War,a number of Arican American soldiers were awarded -some of them posthumously-with the Congressional Medal of Honor,which was the nation's highest military award, and which was long overdue in recognition of thei outstanding bravery. A.............. B:with the Congressional Medal of Honor,the nation's highest military award for long-overdue C:the Congressional Medal of Honor,which was the nation's highest military award,long-overdue in D:the Congressional Medal of Honor,the nation's highest military award for long -overdue E:the Congressional Medal od Honor,the nation's highest military award ,in long-over (what is the meaning of"in llong overdue"?) 14.Until a few centuries ago,any large bones discovered in the fields or caves of Europe,now known to be large prehistoric animals,were usually assumes to be the remains of giants and were often displayed as curiosities in castles,palaces,town halls,churches,and monnasteries. A............. B:presently known as from large prehistoric animals,were usually assumed as C:bones now known to be those of large prehistoric animals,were usually assumed to be D:bones known at present as of large prehistoric animals,were assumed as those of E:currrently known as those of large prehistoric animals,were usually assumed to be those of (不是known as 么?) |