#58 A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it exited. (A) A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that (B) So secret was a recording system installation and operation in the Kennedy Oval Office (C) It was so secret that a recoeding system was installed and operate in the Kennedy Oval Office. (D) A recording system that ws so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office (E) Installed and operated so scretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that 可否請大牛們解一下? 另外針對(e) 的選項.ETS的解釋為: The inverted word order does not grammatically fit into the rest of the sentence. 怎麼說呢? 我看不出(e) 哪裡does not fit? |