以下是引用testtech在2006-1-11 1:38:00的发言: Wow, that is a big "If". Anyway it must be nice to face such a sweet dilemma. The answer of your question really comes down to what you are trying to get out of your MBA. If you aim at IBanking, Columbia is a no-brainer. Also if you are focused at ranking, Columbia is far ahead. In my opinion, it shouldn't be a tough decision to choose between CBS and the other two schools on your list because CBS is so different from the other two in almost all aspects - academic strength, location, school culture, you name it. Yale vs Cornell is a tougher call. If you plan to go back to China after MBA, Yale is a better choice because its brand name carries more weight in Asia. Another advantage of Yale is that it has better accessability than Cornell does. Ithaca is in the middle of nowhere. Although a Yale admit myself, I have to mention a few selling points of Cornell. After visiting Johnson, I feel the school is so dedicated to put its students in the best position in job searching. The immersion program is impressive and extremely handy for career-switchers, and the career office has done amazing jobs in luring recruiters to campus. Another thing I noticed is that Johnson's facility is miles better than that of Yale. Sage Hall is state-of-the-art and absolutely breathtaking.
excellent information! but I think Cornell has a strong alumni base in Asia too, although not as many as yale, but they all very nice and willing to help. Are you going to take the Yale offer? |