229. The colorization of black-and-white films by computers is defended by those who own the film rights, for the process can mean increased revenues for them; many others in the film industry, however, contend that the technique degrades major works of art, which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue.which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue
Bwhich they liken to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it Cwhich they liken to lipstick put on a Greek statue Dlikening it to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it Elikening it to putting lipstick on a Greek statue
234. The physical structure of the human eye enables it to sense light of wavelengths up to 0.0005 millimeters; infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye.
(A) infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye
(B) however, the wavelength of infrared radiation—0.1 millimeters—is too long to be registered by the eye making it invisible
(C) infrared radiation, however, is invisible because its wavelength—0.1 millimeters—is too long for the eye to register it
(D) however, because the wavelength of infrared radiation is 0.1 millimeters, it is too long for the eye to register and thus invisible(A)
(E) however, infrared radiation has a wavelength of 0.1 millimeters that is too long for the eye to register, thus making it invisible
In C, D, and E the use of the second it is so imprecise as to be confusing.
这里ETS怎么又认为it不明了呢?it怎么不能指infrared radiation呢?
真的糊涂.这几天一直在问指代.晕死了.天天翻讨论贴弄的灰头土脸还长豆豆.大家可怜可怜我,给我讲讲吧. |