刚面完. 在alumni的office. 是一个粉年轻,粉smart的gentleman. 一个小时的面试中,基本是即兴提问,讲到哪,问到哪并且很bottom up. 常规问题有: 1.go through your resume. 2. leadership (是最后才问的,当我以为不会有standard question的时候). 其余问题: 1. 如果你在目前公司继续,不去wharton的话多长时间可以实现你下一个目标,为什么?(类似short-term goal). 2. why do you think wharton people will bring you something different? what' s the difference between what your colleagues can bring you and what Wharton will bring you? 3. why do you think Wharton network will benifit you if you will come back to your industrial after graduation. 4. tell me what you are going to do for wharton community? in detail please. 5. if you are authorized to promote leader, how do you handle conflict when two candidates with same experience but you could only promote one. 6. other B-schools you applied. differences besides ranking and curriculum. 7, your uniqueness. 总体感觉挺challenging.interviewer人挺好的.