今天刚刚与Kellogg的alumni John Yen进行完interview。此人是1997年毕业的MBA&MMM,现为Emerson家电应用技术亚太区的GM,技术背景出身。年轻的成功人士,帅哥一个 。很nice。
1. Tell me what's the drive in your career.
很独特的视角。但各位申友在回答career path的时候想必也会顺便回答drive吧
2. Why MBA and Why Now
3. Why Kellogg
4. Team experience
5. Leadership experience
6. What's ur most significant achievenment
很常规的问题,然后就是“have u got any questions for me”
从没想过这个问题,只好说,要想了解一个人不是简单的几十分钟的interview可以解决的,希望I could have the honor to be admitted to Kellogg so that we can build long term relationship as alumni to achieve good understanding of each other. 然后赶紧匿了先 |