I have very bad impression to Duke now.
My situation is a little bit different. As I got my MS degree in America and have been working in the States for a couple of years, I don't need to submit TOEFL (at least all other schools I applied waived my TOEFL ).
First I got email about 2 weeks ago saying that my TOEFL is missing. I replied and told them my situation. After 5 days, I got another email saying that I can waive the fee. I really could not understand what the heck the fee is. So I called them and wanted to know whether they have already dinged me because of TOEFL. I was kept waiting online for 15 minutes and finally talked to a lady. The lady was damn cold. She said: We are busy, you have computer, you have internet right? Send us Email. Then she hung up the phone immediately. Then I sent a mail to them complaining this bad experience and list several reasons why I don't need to take TOEFL.
And after another 3 days, I got email again and was told that the second email about the fee was a mistake. That mail was supposed to be sent to someone else.
And yesterday, I got mail again saying that I need to submit TOEFL before Feb 9 or my application package will be moved to R3.
So I wrote a email to Dean of Fuqua. I told them:
1. Those stupid mistakes of TOEFL discussed at chasedream.com and business week forum.
2. The unfriendly lady
3. Long waiting hotline
4. Stupid TOEFL policy.
I said: All these do not match the reputation of Duke. If Fuqua doesn't spend time on this, it can not stand out of Top 10, if you can be really counted as Top 10.
Anyway, I don't care my Fuqua's result now. I will go to Anderson if I can not get offer from Wharton in R3.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-10 1:37:21编辑过] |