以下是引用rivershining在2007-5-5 8:11:00的发言:Once the economic and social usefuless of the motor car was demonstrated and with its superiority to the horse being proved, much of the early hostility to it in rural regions disappointed.. B and its superiority over the horse had been C and its superiority to the horse D its superiority over the horse E with its superiority to the horse having been
I think B is the best answer here. first, two things are talked here: (a) usefulness, (b) superiority. When talking about (a), it used a complete sentense: "the .. usefulness was demonstrated", as a consequence, to talk about (b), there must be a complete sentense to keep parallelism; second, "had been" emphasizes that the event happened before the other (usefuless ... demonstrated), which is logic and precisely presents the meaning of the sentense. So the correct answer is only B. 我不同意rivershining的观点,理由如下: 1、从句子逻辑意思上分析,demonstrate 和 prove 之间没有先后关系(而且这两个词的意思很相近); 2、从语法的角度来看,prove这个词比较特殊,一般是以主动表被动的形式出现。如:The article has proved most useful. 注意has的后面并没有been出现。关于prove这个词的考点在OG中也出现过几次,LZ可留心注意。 3、从并列和简洁的角度考虑,相同的be助动词须省略。即:prove前省略了was。 4、在GRE和GMAT出现的例句中,也有superiotiy to这样的搭配。 综上所述,这个题目的答案是C. 欢迎继续讨论!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-5 15:31:41编辑过] |