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1.(401)The chemical processes were complex to such a degree as to require additional analysis.
A) The chemical processes were complex to such a degree as to require additional analysis.
B) The chemical processes were complex enough that they required additional analysis.
C) The chemical processes were complex enough as to require additional analysis.
D) The chemical processes were so complex that they required additional analysis,
E) The chemical processes were complex enough for them to require additional analysis.
2.(402)According to a recent study conducted at over 100 American universities, the number of college graduates interested in pursuing a career in financial services is likely to double by 2010.
A. is likely to double
B. are likely to increase by twice
C. are likely to double
D. will double
E. will increase by twice
3.(403)These results indicate the health of the marsh’s ecosystem has seriously declined.
A. indicate the health of the marsh’s ecosystem has
B. indicate that the health of the marsh’s ecosystem has
C. are indicative that the health of the marsh’s ecosystem has
D. indicate the health of the marsh’s ecosystem to have
E. indicate that the health of the marsh’s ecosystem to have
4.(404)Advances in the production of high-temperature superconductors are expected to increase the viability of so-called "maglev" trains that float on magnetic fields.
A. Advances in the production of high-temperature superconductors are expected to
B. It is expected that advances in the production of high-temperature superconductors should
C. It is expected that advances in the production of high-temperature superconductors would
D. Advances in the production of high-temperature superconductors are expected for them to
E. Advances in the production of high-temperature superconductors is expected to
5.(405)Congestion pricing, the practice of charging a fee for driving into the busiest areas of a city at the busiest times; it has more support from economists than do politicians.
A. times; it has more support from economists than do
B. times, has more support among economists than among
C. times; it has more support among economists than among
D. times, has more support from economists than do
E. times, it has more support from economists than from among
6.(406)The ring-tailed squirrel is more adept at surviving harsh winter conditions as its cousin, the golden-mantled squirrels
A. more adept at surviving harsh winter conditions as
B. more adept at surviving harsh winter conditions rather than
C. more adept at surviving harsh winter conditions instead of
D. more adept at surviving harsh winter conditions than
E. more adept at surviving harsh winter conditions than that of
7.(407)Hospitals are increasing the hours of doctors, significantly affecting the frequency of surgical errors, which already are a cost to hospitals of millions of dollars in malpractice lawsuits.
(A) significantly affecting the frequency of surgical errors, which already are a cost to hospitals of
(B) significantly affecting the frequency of surgical errors, which already cost hospitals
(C) significantly affecting the frequency of surgical errors, already with hospital costs of
(D) significant in affecting the frequency of surgical errors, and already costs hospitals
(E) significant in affecting the frequency of surgical errors and already costs hospitals
8.(408)The catastrophic San Francisco Earthquake at the turn of the century destroyed numerous buildings and many were led to believe that the city had become a permanent disaster zone.
(A) many were led to believe that the city had become
(B) many had been led to believing of the city as if it were
(C) the belief this led to was that the city had become
(D) led many to the belief of the city as if it were
(E) led many to believe that the city had become
9.(409)Some museums regard themselves as keepers rather than owners of art, responsible for conserving it in the present and letting it go where circumstances are auspicious to do it in the future.
A. letting it go where circumstances are auspicious to do it in the future
B. letting them go where circumstances are auspicious to do so in the future
C. letting them go when circumstances are auspicious to do it in the future
D. letting it go when circumstances are auspicious to do so in the future
E. letting it go when circumstances are auspicious to do it in the future
10.(410)The number of them carrying the Ebola virus will increase as more and more people consume tainted bushmeat, the meat of African wild animals, and come into contact with infected apes.
A. The number of them carrying the Ebola virus will increase as more and more people consume tainted bushmeat, the meat of African wild animals, and come into contact with infected apes.
B. The number of humans carrying the Ebola virus will increase as more and more people had consumed tainted bushmeat, the meat of African wild animals, and have come into contact with infected apes.
C. The number of humans carrying the Ebola virus will increase as more and more people consume tainted bushmeat, the meat of African wild animals, and come into contact with infected apes.
D. As a number of people consume tainted bushmeat, the meat of African wild animals, and come into contact with infected apes, the number of them carrying the Ebola virus will increase.
E. As more and more people consume tainted bushmeat, the meat of African wild animals, and are coming into contact with infected apes, the number of humans carrying the Ebola virus will increase.