香港城市大学谢俊霖(Choon Ling Sia)教授和南方科技大学商学院李媛媛助理教授招收联培管理信息系统博士(授港城学位) Prof. Choon Ling Sia (HK City U) and Dr. Yuanyuan Li (SUSTech) – Collaborative PhD Programs in Information Systems 2022
基本要求: 1、本科专业无严格限制,计算机、工商管理学或者心理学背景专业优先; 2、有研究经验:至少会一门数据分析工具(e.g.,SPSS, Stata, SAS),可以熟练进行文献综述,懂基本的行为实验设计 3、GPA须达到3.2/4.0; 4、语言成绩要求为:托福563/85或雅思总分6.5;不要求提交GMAT/GRE成绩。
项目简介: 该博士学位为联培博士项目(毕业需要达到香港城市大学博士学位要求,颁发香港城市大学博士学位,南方科技大学不授予学位;奖学金由南方科技大学提供)。 根据南科大要求,第1,4年在港城学习,第2,3年在南科大。南科大为成功录取的博士生提供极具竞争力的奖助学金。 申请程序与相关信息请参见网站(近期即将推出):
导师介绍: 谢俊霖(Choon Ling Sia)教授就职于香港城市大学,是香港城市大学社会媒体营销和商业智能中心主任。他的研究兴趣包括electronic commerce, social media, cross-cultural issues ininformation systems, knowledge management, distributed work arrangements, andcomputer-mediated communication。详细信息见个人主页: 李媛媛助理教授就职于南方科技大学,主要研究方向包括消费者行为学,行为决策等,具体信息详见个人主页:
Requirements: 1.A bachelor’s or master’s degree: Candidates whohave a degree in Computer Science, Management, Psychology, or other relateddisciplines are preferred. 2.Research experience: master at least one kind of data analysis tool (e.g., SPSS, Stata, SAS), be proficient in literature review, and have the basic experimental design skills 3.both Bachelor and Master (if applicable) GPA shouldbe 3.2/4.0 or above: 4.A minimum TOEFL score of 563 (paper-based test); or 85(internet-based); or a minimum IELTS score of 6.5; GMAT is not needed.
Aboutthe program: Theprogram is a joint PhD program in information systems. The student will need to fulfill the requirements of the CityU School of Graduate Studies (the basicrequirement). CityU will grant the Doctoral degree to students and SUSTech willprovide the scholarship without granting the doctoral degree. Studentsspend their 1st and 4th year in SUSTech, and 2nd and 3rd year in City U.SUSTech offers competitive scholarships. To learnmore about the application procedure and relevant details, please refer to thewebsite (forthcoming):
About the supervisors: ChoonLing Sia is a Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and Director of Center of Social Media Marketing and Business Intelligence at the CityUniversity of Hong Kong. His research interests include electronic commerce,social media, cross-cultural issues in information systems, knowledgemanagement, distributed work arrangements, and computer-mediated communication.For details, please refer to the website: Yuanyuan Li is an assistant professor at Southern University of Science and Technology.Her research interests include consumer behavior and decision making. For details, please refer to the website:
Application Materials: For interested applicants, please email your C.V. and research proposal to Dr. Li ( candidates will be interviewed within one week.