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- 2019-6-29
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- 1970-1-1
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with Christina 15min
1. self-introduction & go through the resume
2. one internship
3. why program
4. career goal
5. other things you want us to know
6. Q&A
面试的时候就问的很简单,比如我在go through resume只简单讲了下各个实习的收获(1-2句)和其间的逻辑,后来就没有追问了,2只是问了一个小的细节一句话就答完了,再比如别人说必问交换经历我就没被问到,可能这就是她的风格吧
- Self-introduction / go through your resume
- Biggest Strength
- Biggest Weakness
- Cross-cultural experience
- Travel abroad
- Summer plan
- Hobby
- Introduce your university and life / favorite experience
- Educational background
- Extracurricular activity / what you love to do after class / meaningful experience
- Club experience
- Leadership
- Teamwork / One impressive project (challenge, role, Conflict, did sth wrong / failure)
- Exchange (what, why program / why abroad, experience, difference, Teamwork / culture shock)
- Programming experience
Professional Experiences
- Favorite internship / most valuable / each internship (What did, how help masters study, tool, how get, communication, take away / What learnt)
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- challenge / difficulty
- role
- conflict
- Failure
- Work under pressure
Career goal
- short-term / what role / position
- long-term
- back-up plan
- dream company
- where (US / China)
- how prepare for job interview
- work location / city
Program Related
- Why US
- Why UR
- Why Simon / how Simon help you achieve your career goal
- Why program / why fit
- Which track (11m/17m)
- what unique / competitive / why match
- Cope with future challenges
- Why now
- Back-up plan
- What course want to learn
- Background --> MA / why MSMA
- What value bring to Simon / contribute to community
- How get used to the life in Rochester
- Want to join which club / do after class
- Criteria of choosing program
- How know about Simon
1. 可以先把自己的逻辑捋顺了,education--internship--graduate program--career goal,可以多问问自己为什么这么做,这么做又影响了之后的什么决定,比如我本科为什么选了这个专业,学了之后我为什么想找这些这些的实习,从这些实习和我学校的经历中我学会了啥,从哪里确定了未来的方向,又发现自己离实现这个目标的差距在哪里,然后为什么选择这个program可以帮我实现目标,我又可以为学校contribute什么
2. 各个经历都用STAR法则来准备下,我的mentor告诉我每个人能讲成段子的经历也就10个,再多也记不住,也没有用。整理好之后就可以看问题往里套hh(虽然我面试的时候一个也没用上,这个面试真是太草率了...
3. 罗村爱问之back-up plan,尽量自己说详细点!被追问会很被动,比如问你要去哪个具体的公司,为什么选这个公司之类的
4. 关于面试官,我之所以没有按面试官名字整理是因为1)每个人应该是有统一的问题list和记录的表格,虽然会有自己的问题偏好,但基本问题就那些,差别不会太大;2)很可能很晚才会收到zoom link知道面试官是谁,这时候才准备肯定是来不及了。我的策略是准备所有的,在收到link后在各个地方搜下面试官名字的面经,看看这些里面的问题有没有没准备到的,心里面也踏实一点
5. 今年可能因为waive申请费导致人太多了,后来好多都成了15min的accelerated interview(也会持续到20min+),所以能展现的东西更少啦,所以更要抓住问题的重点和自己的亮点,不要啰嗦的讲一堆没啥用的(即聊high了),有的面试官要赶场可能不会往后拖很久
2017总结:https://forum.chasedream.com/for ... =1291946&highlight=罗村%2B面经%2BMSMA%2B整理
2020及之前按面试官总结:https://forum.chasedream.com/for ... 68&highlight=Nicole
Good Luck!!!