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分享umn msba video essay的九(十)道题目,来源于六篇分享贴,楼主的录制经验及楼下各位的回复,感谢大家
1. What does it mean for you to have a commitment to diversity? How have you demonstrated that commitment, and how would you see yourself demonstrating it here?/断线后重录:How would you describe your current thinking about diversity, and how has your thinking changed over time?
2. Tell us about a time when you volunteered to help others. (楼主第二次遇到的题目)
3. 说一次完成你从未接触过得事情(工作)的经历/start from zero information,具体说完成的steps,然后results怎样?
4. What is the key ingredient for building and maintaining professional relationship? Provide examples. (楼主第一次遇到的题目)
5. 回到1900年怎么介绍手机? from 白桃乌龙,12.27录制
6. Describe an academic or extra-curricular activity that helped you shape your personality. What did you learn? from -焚-
7. Describe a situation where you were a team member. How did you decide when to lead and when to follow. How did the result impact you. from 小衬衣
8. What accomplishment are you really proud of and why? from 可可小房子
9.talk about a constructive criticism you received and how does that influenced your work? from mimi12300
10. 刚刚提交申请,说了一半录制就结束了。。。whatever,分享攒人品。大家加油!
我用另一个邮箱注册了账号先试了一下,题目是:Describe a time when you showed great resilience and it paid off. What were the results?
一个tip~断线重连出来的就是之前的题目,试了两次都是这样~不过只是自己的情况,仅供参考! from 团团一口肉
11. constructive criticism from Aliceeeeeeeee