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[信息分享] 国际商务博士生项目招生 University of South Carolina

发表于 2020-11-14 22:36:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

南卡罗莱纳大学摩尔商学院作为国际商务教学和研究的领跑者提供国际商务方向的博士生培养项目。其主旨是通过一系列严格紧凑的研究训练课程培养优秀的国际战略方向学者。该方向毕业的博士生会在国际商务系,战略系,或创业系求职。我们项目的往届毕业生在培养过程中会获得很多重要的研究奖项,比如AIB论文奖,AOM IM Division最佳论文奖,Alan Rugman最有前景学者奖,和GWC-CIBER新兴市场最佳论文奖;他们也在博士生在读期间发表了很多顶级期刊,包括JIBS,AMJ,JoM,JMS,JBV等等。往届毕业生的就业去向包括很多顶级院校,比如Northeastern University, Saint Louis University, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Sydney, Peking University等等。




如想进一步详情,请和李卅立教授沟通 沟通方式为Dr. Sali Li, Faculty Coordinator, International Business (

Ph.D. Program in International Business
Moore School of Business, University of SouthCarolina

TheMoore School of Business, which is renowned as a leader in internationalbusiness education and research, offers a Ph.D. program in BusinessAdministration with a concentration in International Business. The objective ofthis doctoral program is to prepare leading scholars in global strategy througha rigorous and intensive research training. Graduates from this concentrationtypically seek positions in Departments of International Business, Strategy orEntrepreneurship. Our graduates have received major research awards, suchas Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award; AOM IMDivision Best Dissertation Award; Alan M. Rugman Most Promising Scholar Award,and GWU-CIBER Best Paper Award on Emerging Markets; and have publishedin top-tier journals during the PhD program, including the Journal ofInternational Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Journal ofManagement, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Business Venturing,among others. Recent graduates have taken tenure-track faculty positions in topuniversities, such as, Northeastern University, SaintLouis University, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Sydney,Peking University, etc.

Successfulcandidates are highly motivated applicants who are committed to academic andresearch-oriented careers in International Business as their primary focus,with strong quantitative skills and excellent academic achievement. Wespecifically encourage applicants with interest in cross-disciplinary research,bridging between global strategy and other functional areas, such as innovationand entrepreneurship.

Programof Study
Buildingon the strengths of the international business departments, our PhD curriculumincorporates doctoral courses offered by our renowned faculty coveringinstitutional theory, comparative institutions, global strategy, corporategovernance, digital platform and innovation. To carry out the type of researchleading to results publishable in top academic journals, the doctoral coreprovides a substantial background in econometrics, statistics, and otherrelated quantitative subjects applicable to extending the theoretical andempirical understanding of international business. Faculty also play anintegral part in the student's academic and professional preparation. Furtherinformation about faculty research is available at

Researchand Teaching Support
Doctoralstudents in international business have a close working relationship with thefaculty, often participating in joint research projects. Students also have theopportunity to become involved in research at or through South Carolina'sCenter for International Business Education and Research. When doctoralstudents present papers in major academic conferences, financial aid is givento cover some of the costs. The Moore School of Business subscribes to severalkey research databases and support data acquisition. To prepare doctoral studentsto the academic job market, they have the opportunity to teach one or twoundergraduate business courses within their program of study.  

Admissionand Financial Support
Admissionto the program is highly competitive. The next admission will be in Fall 2021.Applications for Fall 2021 admission should be submitted by January 15, 2021.Given the limited availability of space in the program, applicants whosubmitted the full package by Dec 15, 2020 will receive preferential review.The areas that we look at when considering an applicant are test scores (GMATor GRE), letters of recommendation, statement of career objectives, resume,transcripts, and applicant's level of commitment to excellence in research.Competitive stipends, tuition waiver and other research support are provided upto 5 years to all candidates who are accepted. Further information is availableat:

For additional information, contact: Dr. Sali Li, Faculty Coordinator,International Business (

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-14 22:46:18 | 只看该作者
南卡的IB项目很有名 在US News上长达二十年都是全美专业第一 学术氛围也特别好
发表于 2020-11-15 00:20:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2020-11-15 00:55:47 | 只看该作者
馒头必胜客 发表于 2020-11-15 00:20

你好 在international business系有两位关注international finance方向的老师  除此之外商学院还有finance系  两个系之间的联系和合作也很多
发表于 2020-12-20 14:15:47 | 只看该作者
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