Like the Dreyfus affair at the turn of the centuryand the Sacco-Vanzetti trial in 1921, the Hiss case became the political causeof an era, the more so because it was the first time a congressionalhearing was shown on television. [url=]A.[/url][11] [12] the more so because it was ✅ B. more for its being ❌ C. [url=]more for[/url][13] the reason that it was D. the more so [url=]for the reason because[/url][14] it was ❌ E. [url=]the reason ofit being more so is that it was[/url][15] ❌
[11](all) the more so 是一个idiom,意思是“更是如此”, 经常的用法就是 themore so because.... so做代词,指代前面全句。整句的结构就是:修饰语,主句,(idiom+ because)从句。perfect.
[12]"The more so"basically means "even more so." Here, it could be seen as saying"and this was even more true in this case."
[13]for可以做介词或连词,逗号后面孤零零跟一个for,这里for只可能做连词,所以后面应该是一个句子,但这里不是。 B同理 Why?
[14]for the reason和because redundant
OA:A 这道题的分析我其实目前没什么问题...主要是关于解释【13】中提到的,for如果是连词的话,前面more能这样加吗?连词前面能加more这种程度副词吗?因为暂时没想到合适的案例支撑,希望大牛能指点一下