267.The newspaper story accurately recounted the history of the colonial mansion,that it contained thirteen rooms, and that it had a reputation for being ahaunted house. A. mansion,that it contained thirteen rooms, and that it had a reputation for being ahaunted house B.mansion, that it contained thirteen rooms, and that it had a reputation ofbeing haunted C.mansion, that the mansion contained thirteen rooms, and said that it had areputation for being haunted D.mansion,said that it contained thirteen rooms and had a reputation for being a hauntedhouse E. mansion and said that the mansioncontained thirteen rooms and had the reputation of being haunted
如题,想问下NN们D怎么理解,感觉it并没有指代不清(毕竟不能指代story和history啊!带进去都不合理感觉),还有后面FOR用的为什么不好呢?我个人理解是因为(for) being a haunted house才会reputation的 我对for的理解可能会有偏差,求大佬指教