发个面经来感谢一下CD对我MBA申请的帮助。由于老公在读BoothMBA第二年,毕业后还没有确定去哪里工作。申请R1的时候基本把所有的MBA都申请了(强烈建议不要这么做。。。实在是累)。因为申请过程当中CD和CD这边加到的小伙伴对我帮助很大,所以来写个面经!如果需要练习R2 MBA面试,或者想聊Essay的小伙伴欢迎随时私信我你的微信号。
Insead - Insead是由两个校友面试的,第一个校友约在一个餐厅,第二个校友在办公室。在面试之前通过network找了一个currentstudent聊了一下,然后那个学生又帮我找了一个做socialimpact的人聊了(我的careergoal是socialimpact)。完全被圈粉 – 两个人都跟我聊了一个小时,第二个做social impact的还跟我说,如果我拿了offer,可以找他brainstorm怎么network,怎么找socialimpact investing工作。
校友一:第一位校友是自己做VC的,约在了一个餐厅。比较吃惊的是,校友很内向,所以要carryconversation的我倍感压力。他的问题在45分钟左右问完,之后45分钟到一个小时都是我在问以及闲聊当中。整个过程很轻松,我觉得insead很注重diversity和teamwork,基本都在问如果遇到不同性格不同文化的人怎么一起工作。面试过程中被打断好多次,提了很多followupquestion。最后聊得比较开心,就主要在讲他的business。最后他说了youare definitely a great fit for INSEAD。还offer了之后会介绍我去他朋友的一个fund做pre-MBAintern。面试题目如下:
1.基本的Introduce yourself, why mba, why insead
2.Why did you go aboard for study, how did you adjust into anew culture;
3.How do you deal with a team member that is arrogant.
4.因为老公在美国就问了很多family plan方面的问题。
校友二:校友二是谷歌做to B marketing的,在约面试过程当中不是很responsive,于是我就被迫给她打了电话,留了voicemessage。最后约在她办公室。面试当天校友竟然迟到了15分钟,搞得我有点紧张。这个面试是我所以MBA面试里面自己感觉最差的,原因是她只有半小时时间,之前也没有看我的简历,也没有看学校给她发的面试问题。我觉得这个conversation没有带动起来,我也没有很好地展示自己。所以面试完就觉得凉凉了。。。。给小伙伴的建议是,碰到这样面试官的时候,不要被打击,在有限的问题里面尽量要塞进去自己的经历。面试问题基本上就只有introduceyourself, why MBA, an example about 1 failure and how did you deal with it.
顺便贴上video interview的题目。
1.if you classmate has issue adapting to a new environment, howdo you help him
2.how do you measure success, and how do you achieved that
3.do you believe a company should aim to maximizeshareholder value, and is there anything additional they should care
4.are you aware of your own bias, and how do you deal withthat
LBS – LBS是一个校友面,据说是所以MBA面试里面最难的,搞得我很紧张。里面一共是两个部分,正常的behavioral和一个mini-presentation.
在校友的办公室面试,behavioral部分主要是闲聊,他也会经常打断有followupquestion。主要是聊经历,问了一个failure一个achievement,还有leadershipstyle。一共大概45分钟到一个小时左右。没有focuson why LBS,我个人感觉主要是考验你的分享能力,有很多followup问题都是why whywhy….
Tuck – Tuck是所有人都可以去面试哒,因为没有去过校园就选择去campus面试。特意把面试放在下午3点,之前参加了当天的classroomvisit, admission Q&A,和women in business coffee chat。总体感觉非常好,所有人都很nice,非常的collaborative。面试是二年级学生,主要有一张面试questionlist,他会根据这个list来问。我觉得很注重whytuck和teamwork。
Typical why mba, why tuck, and how tuck can help you achieveyour career goal, short term/long term career goal, and what made you want todo xxx post MBA. And anything else you want the admission committee to know.
1.If you could go back and change something, What did youwant to go back and change
2.If you leave tuck, what brand do you want people toremember you with
3.Which tuck criteria do you think you fit into and why
4.A time when someone came to you with a problem and how didyou resolve it
5.A time when you resolved a conflict
6.Your biggest achievement
Video essay问题
这个video是在拿到面试之后才需要做的。第一个问题是已知的问题,就是why LBS,第二个问题我抽到了how did you adjust into a new culture.
Kellogg – Kellogg也是所有人都可以面试哒,我现在住在芝加哥就去campus面试。之前老公拿过kellogg的offer,我也去过admittedstudent event就没有选择再参加当天活动。约了下午两点面试,是AO面,一共30-45分钟。我觉得AO有pokerface,不太能感觉到她是不是喜欢我。我觉得自己做的不好的地方是没有特意准备问AO的问题(之前以为是二年级学生面),所以问题都是当场想出来的。。。。
1.Talk about my education, and career
2.Why you joined xxx company
3.Talk about your responsibility (for each work experience)
4.How would your colleague describe you
5.The most important leadership experience
6.A team that was really hard to lead
7.Your dream job after mba
8.Why Kellogg; Why MBA
9.Anything else you want us to know
Video essay问题
1. Best vacation and why
2. WhyKellogg
3. Experience working in a dysfunctional team,and how did you deal with it
Booth – Booth今年录取了之后还要写两篇essay (题目放在最后了),面试也是在campus面的,由二年级学生来面试。也是有一个questionlist,学生根据那个list来面。很注重adaptability以及你怎么做选择。一共面了50分钟。
1.Introduce yourself; Why booth
2.Short term/long term career goal
3.How do you define you are successful at Booth
4.Since booth has a lot of flexibility, how do you make sureyou get what you want from mba experience
5.A cross functional experience
6.Experience when you have conflict with people
7.How do you work in an ambiguous environment
8.How do you tackle issues/topics you didn’t know well
9.Any feedbacks from your colleagues
10.Strengths and how did you notice it
11.What’s your role in a team
Haas – Haas的面试来的最晚,完全没有准备要面试Haas,因为这个学校很小,感觉是拿不到面试。所以专门book了两星期之后的面试,在两星期内把所有可以联系到的Haas学生都打了电话。然后被圈粉了-每个人都回复了,基本上每个人都聊了半个小时以上。有2个人聊了1个小时。
面试是约的online和一个校友,没有什么surprise的问题,学校给了校友3-4个必须问的问题。如果有时间去campus,Haas是你的firstchoice的话,还是强烈建议约faceto face 面试的。我觉得最重要的是看fit。问题如下。面试了大约30分钟。
1- A teamwork experience
2- An example about having conflict with people
3- how would your colleague describe you in 3 words
4- if you are the managing director of yourcompany, what would you change?