tl:2.1submit - 2.3 spark invitation - 2.26 spark - 3.12 offer
2.3接到invitation尝试进链接打不开,摆烂直到2.18,学校发了邮件来催(“If your interview is not complete in the next 48 hours, we will assume you are no longer interested in our program”)垂死病中惊坐起,半夜来CD搜面经准备,点进链接测试设备,嗯?又收到个邮件说我successfully accept了,在2.26之前完成,于是继续摆烂至ddl
整体感受良好,one-way interview,题干基本不变,背好了说就完事儿了~
1、introduce yourself and why MSBA in wisc /Why UWM MsBA? 2、three skills you have possessed, which can help you studyMSBA/ skills that you have prepared for yourfuture career as analyst 3、a time you take an initiative to solve a problem and how you gather support for the solution 4、a situation you analyze information and givea recommendation. What is the thought process?/How you make arecommendation based on information you've gathered 5、a new skill you have learnt recently? How didyou teach yourself? What is the result?/Describe the processof recently learning a new skill
1.介绍自己和why school时间一半一半 2.three skills说的是data analysis ability, business knowledge and communication skills 3.说的是建模比赛的经历 4.说的是另一次建模的经历 5.寒假自学编程