我在这题也是有些障碍的,我个人比较prefor 一边倒的写法,条理性比较强,仅供参考: 我的论点是: 1.企业的分工The allocation of a orgnization 决定老板的首要任务是communication和inspiring。 The leader can hire different employees to undertake different tasks in his company,but as a leader,the first task of him is to coordinate different apartments through communication and inspiring. 2.积极性是完成既定目标的关键。所以老板的激励能力很重要。这条理由我还写的不是很好。请继续补充。 3.Admittedly,有些能力在某些特定的情况下,也很重要。但是一个好的领导who is good at communication and inspiring,可以很好的防止这些情况的发生。 我想到一个很好的例子; 阿里爸爸的老总不懂电脑,但他的企业管理很好。 In conclusion,----- |