案例题目: Samsung has closed its last smartphoneplant in China in 2019, supply chain experts said that other smartphone makers,unlike the vertically integrated Samsung which makes it owns components andassembles them in-house, are unlikely to be able to move away from China, evenas wages rise in China. Companies like Apple, which rely on contractmanufacturing rather than running their own factories, have spent decadesinvesting to educate their suppliers’ workforce in China. Vertical integrationis when a company controls more than one stage of the supply chain. Discuss onthe pros and cons of vertical integration.
流程 1. 面试官:是一个cd上说的招生官美国人Patrick 和一个女老师;感觉两个人都很幽默,全程都比较轻松。最后Patrick 差不多在每个人说了2次后会问 ok next the last one,要不要主动就看准备情况了. 结束的比较早,看手机时间是26分钟一共; 2.注意:不要用手机面试会比较好,正装,可用耳机可不用。 3.软件使用:其他的就是用软件zoom,要记得打开信息看…我就没找到在那发的case材料
btw 不要随便按共享屏幕!!!!我自己不小心似乎?按到了?然后不知道有没有真的共享出去,总之全程除了右边的聊天这个按钮不要按 4. 可以纸上做笔记然后自己看列好框架回答很重要, 个人感觉逻辑思路比较重要>口语能力,但是不要慌更重要