读懂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 核心能力一 直译 一个个念出单词中文意思
Groundwater is the word used todescribe water that saturates the ground, filling all the available spaces. Byfar the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; 地下水是一个单词被使用来描述这个水,这个水在整个一个地底下都是充满和饱和的。this is thegroundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric wateris water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation(rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes forlong periods, before emerging at the surface again. At first thought it seemsincredible that there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water. 句子:修饰,动词和名词 - 1不认识的动词理解成有或者没有,如果表示观点就直接理解成认为或反对(V不认识依然可以理解句意~)(他出题本来就是名词和名词方向N名词不会改写的啊哈哈哈重点是认识容易改写的动词和修饰!)(他动词本来就是要改写的诶:有改成有,没有改成没有)
- 2 表示修饰的adv,adj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)
- 3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有,修饰的是好和不好,但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓,比如“。。的A”
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1 不认识怎么处理(还是指导句意哈哈哈哈)(V不认识依然可以理解句意~)(他出题本来就是名词和名词方向)(他动词本来就是要改写的诶) SVO2,3个单词+修饰(剩下词)(抓住修饰修饰谁) 1Verb (1本身V逻辑意思就表示有和没有2类;2出题的时候 会根据动词出方向一致或相反的选项) Groundwater is the word used todescribe water that saturates( =有,方向一致的)the ground, filling地下水是有的在所有的空间中 all the available spaces. Byfar the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is thegroundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. Ordinary meteoric (OM的水)wateris water that has soaked into有的循环前后没有否定词(考试出题时候B选prevent是表示没有的方向反了) the ground from the surface, from precipitation(rain and snow) and from lakes and streams. There it remains, sometimes forlong periods, before emerging (有在了表面)at the surface again. At first thought it seemsincredible that there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water. *我们理解句子意思就行了又不是文学要具象化 V:有
The necessary space is there, however,in many forms. The commonest spaces are those among the particles—sand grains and tiny pebbles—ofloose, unconsolidated sand and gravel. Beds of this material, out of sightbeneath the soil, are common. They are found wherever fast rivers carryingloads of coarse sediment once flowed. For example, as the great ice sheets thatcovered North America during the last ice age steadily melted away, hugevolumes of water flowed from them. The water was always laden with(水是有pebble的) pebbles,gravel, and sand, known as glacial outwash, that was deposited as the flowslowed down. *注意出题的时候,包括题目的这个选项 他都是词和词之间的关系。ex:你有water你也有pebbles两个词,你要看他说的两者方向是不是一致的:都说有水还是有pepperor还是说有水但没有P,你要根据他出题的选项来。 1. Which of thefollowing can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the ground that we walk on?(不管定位!!) ○It cannot holdrainwater for long periods of time. 没有雨水很长时间û from precipitation(rain and snow) ○It prevents mostgroundwater from circulating.û the groundwater that circulates ○It has thecapacity to store large amounts of water. √ .there can be enough space in the “solid”ground underfoot to hold all this water(看不出正就从反来)
○It absorbs=没有了 most ofthe water it contains from rivers.没有水û但原文有水 ∴方向反了 VV为什好做题?∵出题就这么出的 有种错误选项叫违背原文,这个错项是围绕动词的方向在出题 - 2 表示修饰的adv,adj理解为好的不好的中性客观为态度(中性客观为态度就直接重复一下就行了)
- 3名词比较复杂:如果是动词变过来的名词就是有和没有,修饰的是好和不好,但如果有些名词是专有名词其实认不认识都无所谓,比如“。。的A”
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- 语法结构~~~~~ 修饰对象是谁 三重复原则
- 理解TPO文章!耶耶耶 根据读懂要求去每篇tpo每句话的结构:主谓谁修饰谁 然后背词汇提高速度去