如果想长期发展的话,非常不建议在这个市场时点去Chinese based fintech。不知道具体JD是什么,但绝对不可能是像董事会秘书的角色,一个要IPO的企业的董秘至少要达到投行SVP的业务水平,很多企业都是直接从给自己IPO的投行团队挖人做董秘。在IPO的过程中,除了董秘和董监高,企业中的其他人是什么戏份的,都是打杂为主,我个人对fintech岗位能给你带来的成就感高度怀疑。。。
Thank you! I think the more helpful is where you are going to be happiest. Don't think about the application! Think about where you will have impact and what your post-MBA goals are. If your goal is to work in fintech or something similar after MBA, then work in fintech now. Whatever you do you want the job to prepare you well for your post MBA job. Good luck!