UNSW Scientia Accounting PhD Scholarship Opportunities
We want to draw your attention to UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship opportunities in the School of Accounting for 2018 commencement. UNSW’s 2025 Strategy includes the flagship UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship Scheme, which aims to attract new PhD scholars of exceptional quality to undertake research projects in strategic research areas.
Area - Auditing:
• Topic: Assessing the quality of judgments of audit teams.
• Supervisory team: Scientia Professor Ken Trotman and Dr Wei Chen.
• Members of the supervisory team have published at The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Accounting, Organizations and Society.
• Apply website:
• http://www.2025.unsw.edu.au/apply/scientia-phd-scholarships/assessing-quality-judgments-audit-teams
Area - Management Accounting:
• Topic: Management control systems of the future: Working with collaborative robots.
• Supervisory team: Professor Mandy Cheng and Associate Professor Kerry Humphreys.
• Members of the supervisory team have published at The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, and Journal of Management Accounting Research.
• Apply website:
• http://www.2025.unsw.edu.au/apply/scientia-phd-scholarships/management-control-systems-future-working-collaborative-robots
• $40,000 a year stipend for four years.*
• Tuition fees covered for the full 4 year period.
• Coaching and mentoring will form a critical part of your highly personalised leadership development plan.
• Up to $10,000 each year to build your career and support your international research collaborations.
* Australian dollar.
Minimum Requirements:
• An appropriate four year degree of Bachelor with at least upper second class Honours, or
• A completed Masters by Research including a substantial research component, or
• Qualifications at a level considered equivalent to either of the above, and
• English language requirements for business postgraduate research programs as in link below.
• https://www.unsw.edu.au/english-requirements-policy
Please note that these scholarships are highly competitive. If you are interested in these opportunities, you need to discuss your interests with the supervisory team via the apply website above before 21 July, 2017.
More details on the Scientia PhD Scholarship scheme are available at:
• http://www.2025.unsw.edu.au/apply/node/69/
• https://research.unsw.edu.au/unsw-scientia-phd-scholarship-scheme