126. The use of lie detectors is based on the assumption that lying produces emotional reactions in an individual that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses.
A:that, in turn, create unconscious physiological responses B:that creates unconscious physiological responses in turn C:creating, in turn, unconscious physiological responses D:to create, in turn, physiological responses that are unconscious E:who creates unconscious physiological responses in turn 答案A
困惑在C,C中的OG是这样解释的:creating seems to refer back to lying; if used as a participial, creating would have to be preceded by a comma.
C选项句子如下:The use of lie detectors is based on the assumption that lying produces emotional reactions in an individual (注意,这里没逗号!!)creating, in turn, unconscious physiological responses。
ing分词在句中修饰最近名词,OG有实例: OG12-103 正解B,句子如下: Yellow jackets number among the 900 or so spiecies of the world's social wasps,"wasps that live in a highly cooperative and organized society consisting almost entirely of" females---the queen and her sterile female workers.