in virtually all types of tissue in every animal species.dioxin induces the production of enzymes that are the organism's trying to metabolize, or render harmless,the chemical that is irritating it .
A trying to metabolize,or render harmless,the chemical that is irritating it
B trying that it metabolize,or render harmless,the chemical irritatant
C attempt to try to metabolize,or render harmless,such a chemical irritant
D attempt to try and metabolize,or render harmless, the chemical irritating it
E attempt to metabolize,or render harmless,the chemical irritant
key E
OG说trying 作名词 放在organism's后面作为宾语是不对的,trying 作名词时的使用有什么限制吗?
又说are是linking verb,attempt 与前面的 enzymes 平行,这两种名词也要平行?
还有就是关于be 作 linking verb 时候都是要前后平行的吗 ?