During the earlyyears of European settlement on a continent that was viewed as “wilderness” bythe newcomers, Native Americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land,were a help in the rescuing of many pilgrims and pioneers from hardship oreven death. A. Native Americans, intimately knowing the ecology of theland, were a help in the rescuing of B. Native Americans knew the ecology of the land and theland intimately and this enabled them to help in the rescue of C. Native Americans, withtheir intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land, helped to rescue D. having intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land,Native Americans helped the rescue of E. knowing intimately the ecology of the land, NativeAmericans helped to rescue
我的思路: D, E having intimate knowledge, knowing .... 修饰newcomers 或是Native Americans 不清楚。 去掉; B: this 不能指代一个句子; 但在A, C 之间,不知道怎么取舍。