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发表于 2003-8-25 01:19:00 | 只看该作者


毕业学校:  CPU ,china pharmaceutical univercity

工作经验:  一个知名制药合资企业的,做项目管理:6 sigma 和 lean thinking
各种项目,such as :cost saving, quality improvement ,cycle time reduction ,in addtion ,culture populization and relative training ,相当于公司内部咨询。

english level :    刚刚考过8。23的TOEFL ,600-630 间,不过年初考过一次 GMAT,暴惨,来不及做题(分数不说了)

未来发展意向:  咨询

想问一下,top 50 有没有希望,我希望在11月初考GMAT ,争取考到700分以上,2004年秋季入学,还来得及吗,是不是要把gmat的时间再提前,我是在职复习,感觉如果考试时间再提前,可能会影响GMAT成绩,还没什么把握。

刚刚才到这里,感觉这里气氛很好,特别是lanlan 版主,给我的印象最深,还有那个头像,好强的亲和力和感染力。
我原先在  飞跃重洋 做听力区版主,那里的确toefl很强。 希望大家有空也去那里做客,地址是。

发表于 2003-8-25 02:45:00 | 只看该作者
If you can get G > 700 in Nov, you are still able to catch most schools' second round. A little bit rush for top-10, but pretty good chance at 20-50 schools.
发表于 2003-8-25 09:40:00 | 只看该作者
how many years of experience do you have? Consulting is going downhills these days in US, the cometition is tough
 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-25 17:31:00 | 只看该作者
just call me jerry,      
5 years experience as total ,
one year for team leader for a production line,
two years for lean sigma populization and project management .
发表于 2003-8-26 09:40:00 | 只看该作者
hi, albertjerry,

CPU is located in Nanjing, right? So nice to meet a nanjinger here.
For the application, I agree with chipmunk that you have great chance of getting into a top 50 program.
But the time left for your application is very limited.
Actually, I was in your case last year. I did not get a satisfied score until Nov 30th. All my application was in a hurry and turned out to be not very successful. So, just hurry up.

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-26 18:15:00 | 只看该作者
thank you for your encouragement ,but it seem to me that I can only apply for the second round because i still need to take GMAT test and it will  take me some time to get a score good enough

anyway ,i will try my best .
how about your current situation, still in homeland or abroad ?
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